Project Description
Shanganagh Castle Residential Scheme
Land Development Agency (LDA) / Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
ABK Architects
Project Status:
SHD Planning Granted – On Site
The development site is located between Shanganagh Castle to the east, Dublin Road to the west, Castle Farm to the north and Shanganagh Park to the south, in the townlands of Shanganagh, Cork Little and Shankill, Co. Dublin. The proposed development seeks the construction of 597 no. residential units, crèche facility, 1,200 bicycle places, local shop and local cafe as well as a number of resident services and amenities. 6.3 acre site. The 597 units will consist of 91 homes that will be available to buy under an affordable housing scheme, 200 social housing units and 306 cost-rental units for tenants. The new homes will include 51 terraced, semi-detached and detached houses and 546 apartments. They will be a mix of two four-beds, 99 three-beds, 302 two-beds, 165 1-beds and 29 studios apartments.