Project Description
Connolly Hospital, Blanchardstown
A&D Wejchert
Project Status:
Connolly Hospital is an Acute Urban Hospital constructed as an extension to a live hospital environment.
It is a 20,000 sq.m. development consisting of Acute Medical Departments with a 460-bed Ward Block, A&E and Theatre Department.
It was constructed in several phases under one programme and contract which culminated in the refurbishment of existing buildings to house an Endoscopy Department, Surgical Medical Wards and a new built in-patient Elderly Care Unit (2 x 32 bed ward) in the Main Block complete with Respite Care Unit. This was a single storey building with single bed ward areas with communal areas and medical rooms for a Care of the Elderly Unit. Additional M&E plant and equipment was installed to bring the facility up to current HTM and Irish Standards, most notably ICT and Medical Gas installations.
These new building areas and refurbishment areas were constructed on a live campus with full integration to the campus M&E Infrastructure including High Pressure Gas and MV Network. The M&E Plant was distributed throughout the Hospital located in basement, interstitial and roof top plant rooms.
The Departments ranged across several surgical specialties including General, Orthopaedic, Genitourinary, Gynaecology, Plastics and Dental.
Facilities within the development include:
• 1 Minor Operating Theatre Suite
• 4 Main Operating Theatre Suites incl. 1 no. UCV Theatre
• 7 bay Post Anaesthetic Care Unit
• Coronary Care
• Surgical Medical Wards
• Accident and Emergency
• Diagnostic Imaging: MRI, CT, X-Ray
• Day Clinics
• Physiotherapy
• Medical Social Workers
• Medical Gases: O2, N2O, MA4, MA7, AGSS,
• Endoscopy
• Energy Centre