Project Description
Mater Adults Hospital
Project Status:
This is a state of the art acute healthcare facility to best international standards and latest technological advances for M&E. It was designed by Homan O’Brien from start to finish on the site of an existing urban live hospital campus at the Mater Misericordiae Hospital which will deliver quality healthcare to Dublin North well into the twenty first century.
Homan O’Brien was appointed in 1998 to this project, which was one of the largest and most complex strategic healthcare projects delivered in this state, and we have delivered a facility to current international best practice design under the same appointment.
The new complex acute Mater Adult’s Hospital is designed and co-ordinated in an urban area over 60,000sq.m, with twelve operating theatres one of which is a hybrid theatre and four of which are ultra clean ventilation. The project is an extension to an existing hospital which remained fully operational during the build phase. The redevelopment included demolition of existing buildings and infrastructure, decanting and enabling projects with significant planning and construction complexities which preceded the main hospital construction.