Project Description
Thomond Village UL
University of Limerick
Murray O’Laoire Architects
Project Status:
“Bank of Ireland OPUS Architecture & Construction Award Winner 2005”
Construction of 503 en-suite Study bedrooms in 105 apartments in 3, 4 and 5 storey blocks. Construction of Entrance Pods, Village Centre, Laundry Building, Managers Block, Shower Rooms, Changing Rooms, Retail Units and all associated external works.
Thomond Village at University of Limerick is a universally accessible facility providing accommodation for students with impaired mobility. Thomond Village achieved a Disability Access Certification. The main external entrance doors and main internal access doors have been provided with automatic swing door operators, consisting of transom mounted automatic operators, safety sensors on both sides of opening, finger safe protective devices and 150mm x 150mm push plate on both side of opening.
Thomond Village is located in the centre of the UL Campus. The construction of this building involved adjustments to existing site services and numerous connections into existing campus networks, including gas, water, electricity, fire alarm, security and IT voice / data services.