Project Description
University College Dublin New Student Complex Phase 1 and 2
Reddy A&U
Construction Stage
Phase 1 – 924 New Beds:- 140 No. apartments, incorporating a mixture of 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 bedrooms, associated landlords / plantroom areas in Blocks D & E.
The Fulcrum Building incorporates 60 No. 1 bedroom studio type apartments, laundry area, retail areas, kitchen / catering areas, ancillary areas and the overall site services. The floor area of the Fulcrum Building, excluding the 60 No. 1 bedroom studio type apartments, is 5,827 sq. meters.
Shops and services, including a bank, convenience store and café’s will also be built.
Also comprises 94 car parking spaces, including a basement-level car park and two surface car parks. Approximately 679 existing spaces will be displaced due to the development, with an additional 305 spaces to be decommissioned across campus by the time the project is completed.
Approximately 1,503 cycle parking spaces are also included.
Phase 2 – 1,250 further beds, completion 2024